International Symposium on Technetium and Rhenium
Science and Utilization
(Senday, Moscow, Shizuoka, Dubna, O-arai, Port-Elizabeth, Moscow, Pornichet, Sydney, Moscow, Karlsruhe-2020)
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The Symposium will contain plenary lectures of leading scientists on the modern directions of Tc and Re chemistry and industry, section lec-tures and poster presentations on the most re-cent achievements. Abstracts and proceedings will be published as CD-ROM versions indexed by WebOfScience.
Those who supposed to take part in the Symposium are welcome to send the registration form and a title of the presentation with short annotation (100 words) as soon as possible but not later than May 31, 2018
by e-mail: istr2018@list.ru
to: K.E. German.
Information letter No 2 will be sent by May 31, 2018 to those who has registered.
The deadline for submitting abstracts of reports, drawn up in accordance with the reduced requirements for authors - up to May 31, 2018.
Organizing fee will be 500 Euro and will include Abstract book, symposium kit and coffee/tea breaks.
Authors (lecturer – underlined) Insti-tution, City, Country, e-mail
Short annotation in free format (100 words): main goal, results, short conclusion.
Authors (lecturer – underlined) Insti-tution, City, Country, e-mail
Text (1 page) Word for Windows as *.doc, Times New Roman – 14 p., 1 space. Fields - 2,5 см by all sides. Interval 6 pt.
Size : A0 or A1
Posters should be prepared by authors and fixed at the special Hall by authors. E-copies should be send or brought to registration desk.
Organising Committee will provide the materials for fixing posters.
Symposium language
The Symposium language is English.
Important dates
Registration form and annotation
Now and till May 31, 2018
May 31, 2018
Abstract deadline
May 31, 2018
Registration fee payment deadline
September 24, 2018
Organising secretariat and registration desk
K.E. German, IPCE RAS
Phone: +7 (495)335-2004;
e-mail: istr2018@list.ru
guerman_k@mail.ru ;
Scientific secretary
I.D. Troshkina, RCTU (Rhenium Section)
Phone: +7(495)496-7609;
Fax: +7(495)490-7523;
e-mail: tid@rctu.ru
Scientific secretary
G.E. Kodina, FMBC FMBA (Section of Nuclear Medicine)
Phone: +7(499)193-0188
e-mail: gkodina@yandex.ru
Web site: www.phyche.ac.ru , www.technetium-99.ru
Technical Secretariat (MKС LLC)
Eduard Letov (participants registration, registration fees payment)
Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7 (495)726-5135
Cell: +7(985)045-7465 Viber&WhatsApp
E-mail: info@mkcongress.ru
Web-site: www.mkcongress.ru