International Symposium on Technetium and Rhenium
Science and Utilization
(Senday, Moscow, Shizuoka, Dubna, O-arai, Port-Elizabeth, Moscow, Pornichet, Sydney, Moscow, Karlsruhe-2020)
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Organising secretariat and registration desk
Registration to the Symposium for the participants will be held by:
Leninsky prospect 31
119991 Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7 495 335 20 04
Fax: +7 495 333 78 18
Email: istr2018@list.ru
www.phyche.ac.ru , www.technetium-99.ru
K.E. German, IPCE RAS
Phone: +7 (495)335-2004; +7 (903) 151-75-54
e-mail: istr2018@list.ru
guerman_k@mail.ru ;
Scientific secretary
I.D. Troshkina, RCTU (Rhenium Section)
Phone: +7(495)496-7609;
Fax: +7(495)490-7523;
e-mail: tid@rctu.ru
Scientific secretary
G.E. Kodina, FMBC FMBA (Section of Nuclear Medicine)
Phone: +7(499)193-0188
e-mail: gkodina@yandex.ru
Web site: www.phyche.ac.ru , www.technetium-99.ru
Technical Secretariat (MKС LLC)
Eduard Letov (participants registration, registration fees payment)
Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7 (495)726-5135
Cell: +7(985)045-7465 Viber&WhatsApp
E-mail: info@mkcongress.ru
Web-site: www.mkcongress.ru