Personal :
Ph.D., Leading scientific
Head of radiochemistry and radioecology group
Deputy head of the Laboratory of Radiochemical Investigations, Institute
of Physical Chemistry, Russian Academy of
- Name : Konstantin (in Russian caracters :
- Second name : Edouardovich (in Russian
caracters : Ýäóàðäîâè÷)
- Surname : GUERMAN (in some translations the translitteration GERMAN was also
applied, in Russian
caracters : ÃÅÐÌÀÍ )
- Born : 1957, 15th November , Moscow
- Marital status : married , son (1979),
son (1983), daughter (1999)
Education :
- Secondary education: graduated from Moscow
Secondary School No 769 in 1975.
- Higher education : graduated from Moscow
State University (named after Lomonosov)
Department in 1980. M. D. Thesis : Reaction of tritium with functional groups
in aminoacids: experimental approach and quantum chemical predictions.
- Ph.D. degree: Ph.D. Thesis «Synthesis, structure and properties of the
technetium compounds with quarter tetraalkylammonium cations» Institute of
Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences in 1989.
- Foreign languages:
- English - sufficient for conversation and presentation in
radiochemistry, five year
teaching experience with English-speaking post-graduated students,
- French - sufficient for the conversational and scientific practice
- Russian - as native
Affilation :
- 1980 - 1994 : Institute of Physical Chemistry Russian Academy of
Sciences, senior associate scientist, sinces 1991- head of radiochemistry
and radioecology group, simalteneousely in 1986 - 1992 - teaching
prof. in the House of Scientific and Technical Activity of the Youth,
head of Inorganic Chemistry
Laboratory, 2002 – 3 stagers (Master cours) from Mendeleev Russian State
Chemical Technology University.
- 1995 - June 1997 : Comissariat d’Energie
Atomique de la France\ Direction Cycle du Combustible\ Departament du Ratraitement,
Demaintanement et Dechets\ Service de Procedees d’Haute Activite -
scientific engeneer:
January 1995 - August 1995 : mission to CNRS\IN2P3\IPN-Orsay (Head -Dr. F. David)
September 1995 - June 1997 : CE VALRHO, Marcoule, Grouppe d’Analyse et Etudes en Radioactivite
(head - Dr. M. Masson)
July 1997 - 1999: Institute of Physical
Chemistry Russian Academy of Sciences, senior associate scientist, Head of
radiochemistry and radioecology group.
Dec. 1999 – Dec. 2000 Directeur de recherche 2-d Classe in UMR 5084-CNRS (Centre d’Etudes
Nucleaires Bordeaux-Gradignan (Head –
Dr. M. Simonoff)
2001 – p.t. :
Leading Scientific adviser, Deputy head of the Laboratory of Radiochemical
- International groups by correspondence:
1) joint work with F.A. Cotton
group (MTI) in 1990 in rhenium and technetium clasters (together with Drs.
Kryutchkov and Grigoriev), 2) OCDE/NEA TDB peer reveiwer on technetium
database, Nov.1998-Feb.1999 (TDB Project headed by Dr. Rard and E.
Osthols) ; 3) Contract DOE /IPC-RAS in 1998 (under Prof. Peretroukhin
supervision;Final Report. PNNL - 11988 UC - 2030) ; 4) invited professor in University of Bordeaux, June-July
1999, (in CNRS/URA451, Laboratoir des analyses radiochimiques et
bioenvironmentales, Dr. M.Simonoff), 4) Principle Investigator of the
Contract DOE /IPC-RAS on Tc in SRS Tanks (in collaboration with Dr. D.
Hobbs). 5) CEA-DCC/France-IPC/RAS Collaboration agreement for 2002-2003
(in collaboration with M.Lecomte).
- Proffecional/ Scientific society Affilation:
Mendeleev Society 1980-1990
Russian Nuclear Society 1990-p.t.
American Association for the Advancement of Science
- Awarded Member 2003
- Awards : medals : State Medal « 850 years of Moscow » , 1997 ; « 10
years in Nuclear Society, Moscow » ; Diploma : Moscow YKS Diploma
for Organising the Radiochemistry Conference in 1986, Suzdal, Ministry of SM
Diploma for the best applied work in 1986 (in collaboration with « MAYAK »
and Radium Institute)
experience in Russia, visiting Professor
- 1986 - 1992 - Assistant, then teaching prof. in
the Moscow House of Scientific and Technical Activity of the Youth.
- 1989 – 1994, 1998 -1999 - Adviser of Ph.D.
thesis, Institute of Physical Chemistry RAS
- 1999 – Visiting Prof. In University of
- Supervisor of 3 scientific stager in IPC RAS.
- Main field of scientific
activities: Radiochemistry and radioecology of
fission products and actinides. Technetium oxides, sulphides, halides
chemistry, mixed oxidation states and preparation of new compounds;
Technetiun separation technologies with respect to modern reprocessing and
Address: 119991 Moscow Russia
Leninsky prosp.31,
Institute of
Physical Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences